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Excellent certification creates trust: Faquan Industrial’s sustainable development and market leadership_copy
Date: 2024-06-06

Excellent certification·Building trust

Faquan Industrial

 Sustainable development and market leadership 


In the journey of continuous pursuit of excellence and innovation, Faquan Industrial is about to enter a new milestone - our rubber flooring products are at a critical moment in obtaining two important certifications: CCS certification and Far East Fire Protection Report. At present, the product has completed certification preparations in accordance with the most stringent industry standards, and has submitted all necessary information and is currently waiting for final official approval.

Faquan is full of confidence in successfully obtaining the certification of CCS and Far East Fire Protection Report. The expected acquisition of these two certifications not only indicates the excellent quality of our products in marine applications and fire protection performance, but also reflects our commitment to the market and responsibility to our customers.

Next, let four employee representatives lead us into the qualification certification system of Faquan Industrial to see how many domestic and foreign professional qualifications have become our magic weapon to win the market. Behind every certification, there is a story about quality, safety and innovation.

●He Minghui, as the project business manager of Faquan Industrial, he knows the power of certification. In his eyes, certification is more than just a certificate, it represents Faquan's firm commitment to quality and safety. He Minghui often says: "Certification is the bridge between us and our customers. It conveys trust and assurance."

He told us a story about how he passed CCS certification and pushed Faquan's sunshade products to the forefront of the marine engineering field. He explained every detail of the process in detail, from rigorous material selection to complex testing procedures, each step embodying Faquan's relentless pursuit of excellence.

He Minghui also emphasized the importance of the Far East Fire Protection Report, which not only proves the fire protection performance of the product, but is also an important guarantee for building safety. He explained: "These certifications are a reflection of our commitment to customers. They make customers believe that when they choose Faquan, they choose safety and reliability."

Faquan Industrial is committed to pursuing higher standards and transforming every certification into trust in the hearts of customers. The company believes that it is these certifications that form a solid cornerstone with its customers and lay a solid foundation for long-term cooperation between the two parties.

●In the field of marketing, the core of Faquan Industrial's strategy lies in differentiated marketing. Our marketing manager Chen Chengfeng knows that market segmentation is the key to achieving this strategy. By carefully dividing the market segments according to customer needs, we ensure that each market segment can receive targeted and personalized strategies.

market insights

● Customer demand analysis: 100% of customers in the special ship market attach great importance to product durability and safety.

● Technical service capabilities: 100% of customers recognize our professional technical service capabilities.

● After-sales satisfaction: 99% of customers are highly satisfied with our after-sales service.

● Certification influence: 80% of customers prefer products with international certification.

Product advantages

● Product competitiveness: 95% of products have obtained one or more domestic and foreign professional certifications.

● Industry impact: The brand awareness score of 85% highlights the important position of Faquan Industrial in the industry.

● Brand reputation: A reputation score of 82% proves the product's good reputation and customer recognition in the market.

● Product share: 80% product mention rate indicates that the product has wide popularity and influence in the industry.

Through this data, we can not only pinpoint market segments, but also ensure that our product strategies are closely linked to customer needs, thereby staying ahead in a highly competitive market.

In addition, in the field of special shipbuilding market, Faquan Industrial has successfully established a unique market positioning that is difficult to replicate by virtue of the naval non-metallic material toxicity test report held by its products. The significance of this report is far more than just a certification. It is a test and evaluation conducted in accordance with strict military-level standards, which means that the product must not only pass conventional safety and performance tests, but also meet military-level requirements under extreme conditions. No toxic requirements.

Chen Chengfeng emphasized: "In the context of fierce market competition and widespread product homogeneity, we are committed to continuously improving product quality and actively obtaining industry authoritative certifications. The goal of Faquan Industrial is to demonstrate our professionalism through these efforts and Provide customers with the unique value they expect and need.”

On the international stage, Faquan Industrial has used international certifications such as MED and CCS to demonstrate its internationalization level and compliance capabilities, laying a solid foundation for global market expansion. These international certifications not only prove that the products meet international standards and ensure global applicability, but are also a strong endorsement of Faquan Industrial’s international brand reputation.

● As the qualification management manager of Faquan Industrial, Weng Hanxiao is well aware of the importance of certification transparency and synchronization with international standards to enterprises in global competition. With her professional knowledge and rich experience, she leads the company to continuously innovate and improve certification management.

Q: How does Faquan Industrial ensure the transparency of its certification process and synchronization with international standards?

Answer: We have established a strict certificate management system to ensure that every link from application, review, use, annual review to revocation has a clear process. This system not only enhances customers' direct awareness of the company's certification qualifications, but also enhances their trust in Faquan's products and services.

Q: How does the company use information technology to improve management efficiency and transparency?

Answer: By building a centralized certificate management database, we have achieved real-time updates and dynamic tracking of certification information. This not only facilitates internal management, but also facilitates customer inquiries at any time, enhancing the accessibility of information.

Q: How does Faquan Industrial maintain the seriousness and authority of certification?

Answer: We have strengthened the supervision of the use of certificates, effectively prevented abuse and misuse, and ensured the seriousness and authority of certification.

Q: What measures has Faquan Industrial taken to maintain its international competitiveness?

Answer: We actively integrate with international standards and incorporate international standards into our own qualification certification system to ensure the international compliance of products and services. At the same time, a continuous monitoring mechanism for changes in international standards and regulations has been established to ensure that the latest requirements are grasped in a timely manner and certification renewal audits are prepared in advance.

Weng Hanxiao and her team are committed to implementing these measures to ensure that Faquan Industrial maintains its leading position in the global market. She believes that through continuous efforts and innovation, Faquan Industrial can continue to improve the transparency of its certification system and the synchronization of international standards, and provide customers and partners with more reliable and high-quality products and services.

●In the field of procurement, Wu Yao, as the procurement specialist of Faquan Industrial, knows that the quality of the supply chain is directly related to the final quality of the product, so she has adopted a rigorous and systematic strategy to ensure the high quality of suppliers.

● Supplier evaluation: Wu Yao and her team conducted a comprehensive evaluation of potential suppliers, which not only included financial stability and industry reputation, but also paid special attention to the supplier's quality management system. By comparing the supplier evaluation standards of other companies in the industry, we found that Faquan Industrial's standards are more stringent, ensuring high standards of raw materials and equipment.

● Application of international standards: In purchasing decisions, Faquan Industrial makes full use of internationally renowned standards such as SGS. Compared with other companies, we pay more attention to the authority of certification. SGS certification not only represents the high quality and reliability of materials, but also means reasonable control of cost-effectiveness, which is relatively rare in the industry.

● Quality control and supplier management: In terms of supplier management and quality control, Faquan Industrial advocates signing detailed procurement contracts and implementing strict inspection and testing. Compared with other companies, we pay more attention to verifying whether materials comply with certification regulations through laboratory analysis or on-site testing to ensure that the quality of each link is controllable.

Through these comparisons and contrasts, Wu Yao emphasized the uniqueness of Faquan Industrial in procurement management: “We are not just satisfied with basic quality requirements, but constantly pursue transcendence and strive to achieve optimal results in every link of the supply chain. ”


A symbol of customer trust

●Our international qualification certificate is not only a proof, but also a symbol of customer trust. These certificates silently convey our commitment to product quality and international standards, winning recognition from customers across the country and around the world.

For example, customers of the Damen project in Yichang gave high praise on the acceptance form: the installation master was good at his craftsmanship and worked responsibly. The customer said, "Through cooperation with Faquan Industrial, we are very satisfied with the completion and quality of the project. The professional guidance and supervision of the construction leader Chen Jie ensured the smooth progress of the project." The acceptance results showed that the implementation of the project service content It is very in place, the acceptance result is "qualified", and the customer expressed "very satisfied" in the opinion column.

In addition, our international qualification certificates have helped us transcend geographical boundaries, win the trust of overseas customers, and open up broader market channels. This not only enhances the brand's global visibility but also enhances our international competitiveness.

Through these qualification certificates and actual customer evaluations, Faquan Industrial has demonstrated its international level and compliance capabilities, laying a solid foundation for global market expansion. These certificates prove that our products meet international standards and ensure global applicability. They are also a strong endorsement of Faquan Industrial’s international brand reputation.

We know that every customer's evaluation is an affirmation of our work and a driving force for us to keep moving forward. We will continue to work hard to win the trust and support of more customers by providing high-quality products and services.

Work together to create the future

Faquan Industrial’s sustainable development and commitment

With the blessing of these qualification certifications, Faquan Industrial is standing at a new starting point. Looking to the future, we will continue to optimize the certification system, deepen technological innovation, and establish closer ties with customers to jointly meet new challenges in the market. We know that continuous progress and innovation are the inexhaustible driving force for enterprise development. Therefore, Faquan Industrial will continue to pay attention to the latest developments in the industry, actively participate in the formulation and update of international standards, and ensure that our products and services are always at the forefront of the industry.

At the same time, we will further strengthen communication and cooperation with customers, listen to their voices, and meet their needs. We believe that through close cooperation with customers, we can better understand market trends, seize market opportunities, and jointly create more value. In addition, Faquan Industrial will continue to increase investment in research and development, promote technological innovation, and enhance product competitiveness. We are committed to developing more high-quality products and providing more complete services to meet the changing market needs.

In the wave of globalization, Faquan Industrial will continue to expand its international horizons and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with global partners. We look forward to working together with global customers to create a better future. With the continuous increase in qualification certification and the deepening of international cooperation, Faquan Industrial is confident that it will achieve more brilliant achievements in the future development path. We look forward to working with all customers and partners to meet new challenges and create new brilliance.

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