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[Unprecedented] 18 of the world’s largest LNG ships with a capacity of 271,000 cubic meters! The largest single new ship order in the shipbuilding industry "turns out"
Date: 2024-04-29

Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, Beijing

     On April 29, China State Shipbuilding Corporation and Qatar Energy Company held a signing ceremony in Beijing for the project of 18 ultra-large liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers, the world’s largest 271,000 cubic meters. All of this order was placed in Hudong-Zhonghua, setting a new record for the world's largest single shipbuilding order, and will have a profound impact on the development of the global LNG industry.

Shan Zhongde, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Lu Jian, Ambassador of the Department of West Asia and North Africa of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Wen Gang, Chairman of the China State Shipbuilding Corporation, Sheng Jigang, Deputy General Manager, Saad, Qatar’s Minister of State for Energy Affairs and President and CEO of Qatar Energy ·Sheridah Al Kaabi, Qatar Energy Gas CEO Khalid Al-Senni, Qatar Energy Executive Vice President Commercial and Business Development Jassim Almarazouzi and other leaders and guests attended the signing ceremony.

Saad Sherida Al Kaabi, Qatar's Minister of Energy Affairs, President and CEO of Qatar Energy, Chen Jianliang, Chairman of the Company, and Li Hongtao, Chairman of CSSC Trading, jointly signed the text of the construction contract.

Wen Gang said in his speech that in recent years, Qatar Energy has vigorously implemented its natural gas production expansion plan and LNG ship construction plan, rapidly improved its natural gas production and export capabilities, and played an important leading and driving role in the accelerated development of global clean energy. China State Shipbuilding Corporation is a leading force in the global shipbuilding industry and a staunch practitioner of the "Belt and Road" cooperation initiative. After years of efforts, it has achieved the independent design and construction of large-scale LNG ships, and its voice in the global shipbuilding market has continued to increase. Over the years, China State Shipbuilding Corporation and Qatar Energy have established and maintained a good cooperative relationship, working together to promote the green and low-carbon transformation and development of the energy industry. This time the two parties join hands again. China State Shipbuilding Corporation will concentrate its superior resources, carefully organize production, strengthen scientific management, strive to build high-quality projects and benchmark projects in the industry, ensure on-schedule and high-quality delivery, provide strong support for Qatar Energy to accelerate the expansion of production, transformation and development, and provide strong support for China Energy. The economic cooperation between the two countries has created a new model and made new contributions.

Saad Sherida Al Kaabi said in his speech that Qatar Energy and China State Shipbuilding Corporation signed a construction contract for 18 of the world's largest 271,000 cubic meter LNG ship projects, setting a record for the highest amount of a single new ship order and a historic event. breakthrough. This batch of ships will support Qatar Energy’s expansion of production capacity in the northern gas field and meet the long-term fleet renewal needs. It is hoped that Qatar Energy and China State Shipbuilding Corporation can further deepen practical cooperation in the future and jointly promote the sustainable development of the industry.

The world's largest 271,000 cubic meters

Very large liquefied natural gas (LNG) carriers

This type of ship was independently designed by the company and received AIP certification from the five major international classification societies in Singapore on September 5, 2023. The total length is 344 meters, the molded width is 53.6 meters, the molded depth is 27.2 meters, and the design draft is 12 meters. It adopts dual-fuel low-speed engine propulsion and NO96 Super+ containment system.

Five highlights of the ship’s design stand out

01-Ma"X" capacity

    Maximum cabin capacity

It adopts a 5-cabin plan and is compact in size. The world's largest tank capacity is 271,000 cubic meters, which is 57% higher than the conventional large LNG ship carrying capacity of 174,000 cubic meters.

02-e"X"cellent performance

    Excellent performance

It adopts multi-objective optimized double skeg line shape and has excellent speed. Equipped with the latest generation cargo containment system, the evaporation rate is lower. The energy consumption of cargo transportation per ton of nautical miles is 9.9% lower than that of a 174,000 cubic meter LNG ship.

03-e"X"tra safety

    High added security

The tank adopts enhanced insulation modules, is equipped with a real-time sloshing monitoring system, and the hull is equipped with a stress monitoring and anti-collision system. It has multiple guarantees and has aviation-level safety and reliability.

04-fle"X"ible operation

    Flexible control

Equipped with a powerful reliquefaction system and shaft engine reverse boosting system, it has flexible control; the carbon emission intensity CII is 23% lower than that of a 174,000 cubic meter LNG ship, and it can flexibly match various operating intervals on different routes.

05-e"X"citing compatibility

    Exciting compatibility

     Although it is the largest LNG ship, its diversified optimized draft and stowage design can reach more than 70 shore stations on all continents around the world, covering major mainstream routes, and has excellent ship-shore compatibility.

The company's successful order for 18 of the world's largest 271,000 cubic meter LNG ships under the "Hundred Ships Plan" is a milestone event for China Shipbuilding in the field of ultra-large LNG ship construction. It is an important manifestation and symbol of China Shipbuilding Corporation's growing international influence. The company's LNG ship R&D, design and construction has moved from large-scale to ultra-large scale in one fell swoop, and its high-end ship R&D and design capabilities have reached the world's leading level.

The company has been deeply involved in the LNG field for 27 years. Its products cover everything from offshore to ocean, from inland to inland rivers, from small to ultra-large. It has delivered more than 40 LNG storage and transportation equipment in total, demonstrating the company's strong strength in the field of high-end marine equipment. .

In 2020, Qatar Energy Group announced the “100-ship plan” that has attracted international attention. In 2022, the company will undertake the construction of the world's first batch of 12 conventional 174,000 cubic meter LNG ships in Qatar's "Hundred Ships Plan". Currently, 8 of the 12 LNG ships have been built and 3 are being commissioned at the terminal. Among them, the much-anticipated first ship is scheduled for sea trials in May and delivery in August.

The company will make every effort to use digital intelligence technology to build high-quality LNG ships for the "Hundred Ships Plan", deeply implement the "Belt and Road" initiative, and make greater contributions to deepening the friendship between China and Qatar.

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