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Innovation and inheritance: the culture and talent development of Faquan Industry
Date: 2024-07-03


Develop talents and culture

On the stage of the business world, corporate culture is like an undercurrent, quietly shaping the inner spirit and outer image of the enterprise. It is not only the source of corporate cohesion and competitiveness, but also the core driving force for innovation and sustainable development. When we entered Faquan Industrial, we were attracted by the energetic and innovative employees here. The work style of "liberating the mind and doing practical work" embodied in them is a vivid portrayal of the corporate culture that has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Fan Lijun

HR and Administration Manager

This article interviewed HR and Administration Manager Fan Lijun, who took us to learn more about how Faquan Industrial cultivates employees' innovative spirit through its corporate culture, attracts and retains top talents in the industry, and overcomes major challenges and achieves sustainable growth through effective knowledge transfer and teamwork. Through employees' real feelings and on-site stories, we will reveal how corporate culture takes root in daily work and becomes an inexhaustible driving force for corporate development.


The connotation and practice of development culture

Corporate culture is the soul of an enterprise, which defines the code of conduct and value orientation of an organization. At Faquan Industrial, this culture is not only reflected in the company's mission statement, but also integrated into the daily work and behavioral habits of employees.

Employees from different levels and positions, through their real voices, let us feel how corporate culture takes root in the hearts of every employee and becomes the driving force that propels them forward.

Zhuang Huogang

Production Technology Department/First-level Engineer

The company's working style is "emancipating the mind, daring to innovate, working hard and getting things done immediately", which are the prerequisites for safety and efficiency.

Zhou Haishui

Production Technology Department/Second-level Engineer

The core values of the company are "people-oriented, responsibility, integrity, precision, innovation and win-win", which are the basic value criteria followed by all employees of the company.

Zhan Liwei

Production Technology Department/New Employees

The corporate atmosphere at FaQuan is very positive. I hope that under the leadership of my master, we can achieve sustained growth of the company.

The connotation of corporate culture is also reflected in the company's care and support for employees. By providing a good working environment, career development opportunities and ways to improve capabilities, Faquan Industrial encourages employees to realize their self-worth and contribute to the long-term development of the company. This people-oriented management concept not only enhances employees' sense of belonging and identity, but also lays a solid foundation for the company's innovation and development.


Cultivation and practice of innovative spirit

Innovation is the inexhaustible driving force for the development of enterprises, and Faquan Industrial is well aware of this. The company actively cultivates the innovative spirit of employees through a series of specific measures and policies. The "reward system" encourages employees to put forward innovative ideas, "innovation training" improves the team's innovation ability, and "motivating teamwork" promotes cross-departmental collaboration and jointly explores new solutions. At the same time, the company provides sufficient "resource support", including funds, technology and time, to ensure that innovative ideas can be transformed into practical results.

Management's "support" for innovation is reflected in the emphasis and promotion of innovative projects, as well as the creation of an open and inclusive "innovation culture" for employees. In such a cultural atmosphere, employees are encouraged to share their "innovation results", whether through internal communication or public display, which helps to stimulate more innovative thinking.

In the Longyan Guanzhishan Airport project, the team of Faquan Industrial successfully solved a number of technical problems through innovative thinking. They used an intelligent human-machine interface (HMI) to control the electric sunshade, becoming the first tower to install such a system. The control interface is intuitive and clear, easy to operate, and can automatically adjust the "ultraviolet control function" according to weather changes to customize sunshades of different colors, optimize vision clarity and reduce eye fatigue. In addition, the system also has "remote control function" and "temperature control function", which improves the convenience and efficiency of operation. Through these innovative practices, the team not only improved the technical level of airport facilities, but also enhanced the user experience of passengers and staff.


Attracting and inheriting talent development

Talent is the key to driving the sustainable development of an enterprise. Faquan Industrial actively attracts and cultivates industry elites through a series of carefully designed strategies. The company not only showcases its strength at domestic and international maritime exhibitions to attract potential talents, but also spreads corporate culture through digital platforms such as the company website and WeChat public accounts to attract the attention of outstanding talents.

"In terms of employee development, Faquan Industrial provides one-on-one training and guidance for senior employees to help new employees quickly integrate into and master all-round work processes. Job skills training and opportunities to participate in industry exhibitions not only enhance employees' professional capabilities, but also broaden their industry horizons. In addition, the company encourages employees to improve their communication skills and production knowledge to promote the common growth of individuals and enterprises." said Fan Lijun.

Knowledge inheritance plays a vital role in corporate culture. The new employee mentor system ensures that every new employee can obtain knowledge and guidance from experienced old employees. Regular employee meetings and cross-departmental exchanges provide employees with valuable opportunities to learn and share, and promote the flow and sharing of knowledge. The establishment of internal training courses allows senior employees to pass on their professional knowledge to new employees. This inheritance mechanism not only helps new employees quickly integrate into the company culture, but also lays a solid foundation for the company's long-term development.


Teamwork and live stories

Teamwork is one of the key factors for the success of Faquan Industrial. The company is well aware of the importance of effective communication and coordination in cross-departmental cooperation, so it has established clear communication channels and regular meeting mechanisms. The use of the online collaboration tool NAS allows team members to share information and progress in real time, while regular reports ensure transparency of work and mutual understanding between departments. The encouragement of two-way communication allows team members to actively listen to and absorb the opinions and suggestions of other departments while conveying information.

Zhuang Gong always stressed: "The airport is the face of the country. Any carelessness on our part may affect the quality of the entire project. We cannot be lax at all." However, in the face of praise, he responded modestly: "These are all basic skills, nothing big."

In addition, on-site safety inspections and potential hazard investigations are also an integral part of teamwork. When project manager He Minghui discovered that the scaffolding was unstable, the on-site foreman responded quickly and made corrections, avoiding possible safety accidents. This not only ensured the safety of the employees, but also maintained the smooth progress of the entire project.

The power of teamwork was vividly demonstrated in the Chongqing Wanzhou Wuqiao Airport project. Senior technical engineer Zhuang Gong led the team to stick to their posts in the scorching heat, debugging the sunshades with professional skills and a dedicated attitude. He arrived at the construction site early every day to ensure the progress of the project, and took the initiative to rework when construction deviations were found, ensuring quality with high standards.


Continuous improvement and adaptability to change

In an ever-evolving industry environment, continuous improvement and adaptation to change are the only way for companies to survive and develop. Faquan Industrial has established open communication channels to ensure that employees can keep up to date with industry trends and company strategies, thereby promoting awareness and acceptance of change. The company encourages employees to raise questions and opinions, and management actively listens and responds in a timely manner. This transparent communication culture provides employees with space to express and participate.

Fan Lijun introduced the employee system of Faquan to us, "In order to help employees adapt to changes in the industry, Faquan Industrial provides abundant training and development opportunities. Internal training and external seminars not only enhance the professional skills of employees, but also broaden their horizons, enabling them to grasp new job requirements and industry trends. In addition, the company also provides employees with opportunities to practice new skills and learn new knowledge through job rotation and mentoring systems."

In terms of support systems, Faquan Industrial has established a comprehensive system, including psychological counseling services and employee mutual aid groups, to help employees cope with the pressure and uncertainty brought about by change. At the same time, the company also encourages employees to actively participate in change and continuous improvement through incentive mechanisms such as reward plans and promotion opportunities.

The cultivation of flexibility and adaptability is also part of the company culture. Faquan Industrial encourages employees to participate in cross-departmental and cross-project work, which not only improves their adaptability but also enhances their self-management ability. In addition, the company also builds a positive change culture and promotes organizational learning and improvement by recognizing and rewarding employees who actively adapt to changes.


Celebrating achievements and teamwork

Celebrating achievements is not only a recognition of past efforts, but also an important way to motivate the team to move towards higher goals. At Faquan Industrial, every success of the team is worth celebrating and commemorating. The company provides employees with a platform to demonstrate team cohesion and cooperation by organizing team building activities and annual meetings. These activities not only deepen the mutual understanding between employees, but also enhance the sense of belonging of the team.

In team-building activities, employees strengthened their communication and collaboration by participating in challenging tasks and fun competitions. This kind of interaction between teams allowed employees to feel the strength and warmth of the team in a relaxed and pleasant atmosphere. At the annual meeting, the company recognized outstanding employees and awarded the Best Team Award, Best Discipline Award, Best Innovation Award, etc. These honors are not only a recognition of individual and team efforts, but also a driving force to inspire employees to continue to contribute.

Qu Hong

Financial Manager

As a member of the finance department, our job is not only to complete tasks, but also to create value for customers and promote the development of the company.

Fan Lijun

Administrative HR Manager

The soul of an enterprise lies in its culture. Although it is invisible, it deeply influences our behavior and decision-making.

Zhu Juzhen

Textile Technologist

I will be an honest person and do my best in everything I do. I will write a more wonderful chapter together with the company.

In addition, the company expressed its appreciation and gratitude for the work performance of team members by visiting them. This positive feedback not only improved the sense of belonging of employees, but also inspired their enthusiasm to work hard for the team goals. Through these activities to celebrate achievements and team spirit, Faquan Industrial has successfully created a positive, sharing and mutual assistance working environment, laying a solid foundation for the long-term development of the company.



Develop talents and culture

Through in-depth exploration of the corporate culture and practices of Faquan Industrial, we witnessed how it built a dynamic and cohesive working environment by strengthening core values, cultivating innovative spirit, implementing talent strategies and optimizing teamwork. The personal growth of employees is closely linked to the sustainable development of the company, jointly shaping a corporate image of continuous progress and innovation.

Facing the future, Faquan Industry is moving towards new milestones with firm steps, relying on its profound cultural heritage and innovative development strategy. The deepening of corporate culture and innovation in practice will continue to drive the company to stay ahead in market competition and achieve even more brilliant achievements.

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